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Thursday, October 13, 2011

blog 4 atw practice 1

IS there equal opportunities for all ? the article ‘’An education in citizenship “ by the Chicago Tribute (editorial 31 march ,2003 ) stated the question .Acouring to the article the Illinois House r passed a bill to allow iligal young people to pay in state tution rates at the Illinois colleges and universities I agree with thee proposal because for many of them their main priority is to resive a highter education .

Advocate for immigrant estimate there are 3000 youth in illinous who are in this position . in which there were born I n another country but raise in the USA the tuition fee shouldn’t be as an outside state ($13.906) because as the advocate for immigrant stated their parents paid federal taxes . the true of the matter is the cost of a highter education is not about money but the hard effort everybody put to be able to achive their goal to become somebody .

Another example is the bill resive 112 -4 votes to passed it in that most senators didn’t had problem to decide althought the bill have a lot of pros and cons the dilemma have been brought to the atteintion of the representive by the continuously protest young people who are illegal immigrant to make the bill pass

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

hype 1

Are advertisement company slowly controling your thought? acouring to kelle lans from hype insigns of life in the usa prove this point. As we growth in technology advertisement are spreading everywhere you go .. there is an estimate of 12 billion displayed ads , 3 billion in radio comercial and more than 200, 00 tv commercial in the usa . I agree with Mrs Lans point because of the effect it has on our decition and the effect it has on childre.

Our desition are affect it by what we see mostly . since we are living an advance technology century places like supermarkets ,bank machines and highways are fill wih many of this manipulated strageries to sell their products. one example a company call carte display to screeen on the supermarkets carts to promote more shopping.

Another effect is on childrens programs are fill with catchies songs and atractive product like race cars jumping in high lenth or most popular the oscar mayer song theme there are being raise by television , children are more easly influencer creating a chain conection to increase the percesnt of consuming in this country

in conclusion adverticement company have take over what we decide to b uy .


The article Hype by Kalle Lars discuss how adverstasment are contaminating our mind . A clear example is local supermarkets have install screen in their shopping carts , as well the nozzle in gas station have now adverising screen . acoring to the article there total amount of adverticent on tv and display is 203,0000 billion every year . we are living in just a century ago children would listen to cassical music as a sothing background nowaday children are fill with advertice jingle likethe mike miyer wiiner song

allegory of trhe cave

Allegory of the Cave is a fable written by Plato in (The republic book 7th ). Point out the power human mind has to adjust to the environment is in . the dialogue of the the two characters Socretes and Glaucon pointing out the life of the slave that work in the cave . the only connection to the world is the shadow that they see and voices they hear from the back side of the cave . because they are a costume to the shadow they don't realize that their can easily escape from the cave . the emphasis of the fable is our surrounding can easy blind us from the reality .

idividuals in groups

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The article " individuals in groups" adapted from "in groups we shirk" by Carol Travis talks about the behaviorial responses of groups and individuals / acoring to the arthour groups tent to wait when it come to taking action then those who are alone. I agree with the thesis because when you are in group you rely on another to lead rathen than taking full responsabily of making decision .

one example coming to Laguardia Comuniity College wasnt my first choice . i wait it to apply because Laguardia didnt offeer the major my freind was intreadted in . it toked her and me three month to send college aplication to different college . acouring to the article Psycholist call this behavior difusion of responsabily or loafing . if i had taken the desion to attetn to college by my self i would have acted right away and not wait to attent ed the folliwing semster . When we take desicion with other the difference in opinion and point of view can procrastinate your desicions .

Futher more our social skill can sometimes put a hold on what we may want to do . the article brings the point of view by seeting examples done by psychologist in classrooms . is it better to be a lone or be in group? this article lives us with the question to answer in our own opinion.



allegory of the cave


by michelle





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